Web Cams 


If you’re looking for cheap entertainment, give web cams a try.

There are thousands of web cams posted all over the world.  99.99 percent of them are adult in nature.  But that still leaves a bunch that are rated “G” and fun for the whole family.  Most of the G rated ones are free.  The adult ones usually cost money…so I’m told.

Can an RV full-timer make money with an adult themed web cam?  Yes, I’m sure one could.  However, you’d still need to promote and run it like a small business.  I don’t know anything about the porn industry but if I were interested in that type of business I would do a lot of research first.  And find a cheap source of Viagra.


Here are a few G-rated links to get you started:

Dutch Caribbean  (underwater cam, beach cam, main street)

Aquarium Of The Pacific  (shark tank)

Monterey Bay Aquarium  (kelp cam, sea otter cam, penguin cam, and more)

Panama Canal Locks

Ghost Cams:  These are “haunted” places you can keep an eye on…if you’re not chicken.

David’s Ghost Cams

Hell’s Kitchen  (haunted hallway)

The Dollhouse  (“haunted doll adoption service”)

Web Cam link sites:





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